Waving pine,
elm and graceful maple -
Sturdy oak,
birch and rustling popple -
Beautiful lakes,
flowers, and sparkling streams -
Green hills
and valleys are nature's beauty, Artist's dreams -
In Northern
Elk, fish,
birds and fleet-footed buck -
Shaggy bear,
squirrels and busy woodchuck -
beaver and skunks that roam -
Friendly mosquitoes
and woodticks all are at home -
In Northern
Abundance of
iron ore, pulp-wood and lumber -
Cord-wood and
Yule trees (in month of December) -
Poultry, wool,
beef and number one butter -
Potatoes, grain,
vegetables, alfalfa and clover -
In Northern
Busy cities,
fertile farms and summer resorts -
camps and Lake Superior ports -
Excellent churches,
schools and colleges -
Community halls
and parks with rustic lodges -
In Northern
Ranger stations,
good roads and wayside inns -
Beautiful Lake
Itasca where the Mississippi begins -
Healthy pure
air, sunshine and skies of blue -
City folk and
farmers welcome and invite you -
To Northern
Front Page
In the heart
of Clearwater County
On the shores
of Lake Lamond
Lies our proud
village of Bagley
Of which we
are very fond.
Great piles
of lumber, pulp and cordwood.
Are shipped
out every day
To help keep
factories humming
In cities far
Cream, eggs,
beef, pork and poultry
Wool, vegetables
and grain
Are hauled to
Bagley markets
And shipped
by truck or train.
Our courthouse
is a beauty,
And our high
school is the tops;
We have many
filling stations,
Churches, a
bank and shops.
Yes, we are
proud of little Bagley
And the neat
farms 'round about,
So cheer the
folk who built it
Whom we couldn't
thrive without.
The cawing of
Mr. Crow
Rain, slush
and snow,
March winds
that blow,
These are all
signs you know
Of Spring, Spring,
beautiful Spring
That always
cometh in the springtime
of the
Mumps, colds
and sneezes,
Flu, croup and
Spring fever,
other diseases
Sulphur, tonics
and goose greases
In the Spring,
Spring, beautiful Spring
That always
cometh in the springtime
of the
Wet, cold and
muddy feet,
Little lambs
that bleat,
Maple sap so
Marble playing
on the street
In the Spring,
Spring, beautiful Spring
That always
cometh in the springtime
of the
Seed catalogues
Geese fly north
once more,
Our hopes and
ambitioons soar
When we can
open wide our door
In the Spring,
Spring, beautiful Spring
That always
cometh in the springtime
of the
Front Page
How sweet to
hear the first robin sing
His merry
song in the early spring,
We surely know
then that winter is past
And the
ever welcomed spring is here at last.
When the many
little plants spring to life anew
By the
warm spring rain, the sun and dew
Something inside
of us seems to shout
The pent
up emotions that must come out.
We want to sing,
to play and create,
Our plans
are many, our ambition great.
No time of the
year is our heart so light
As in
the early spring when the sun shines bright.
This poem was
read over a nationally broadcast
radio program, NBC's
Breakfast Club of The Air,
exact date unknown.
Did you ever
plant a garden
In the
early months of spring
And dream about
the harvest
The coming
fall would bring?
Did you ever
plant a garden
the soil was moist 'n warm,
Cover seeds
with new plowed earth
Dig up
a wiggly worm?
Did you ever
weed a garden,
See the
plants break through the ground
Then watch them
grow and blossom,
the bees buzz all around?
Did you ever
reap a garden,
flowers, fruit or greens,
Eat carrots,
when they're freshest
corn and beans?
Then you must
plant a garden
Be it
tiny as can be.
In watching
Mother Nature
wonders you will see.
Front Page
A little seed,
sunshine and soil,
A little rain, time and toil,
A little light,
warmth and air
And behold we have a flower fair.
A cheery word,
smile or song,
A kindly deed, a forgiven wrong,
A word of hope,
love, praise when due
And we have a friend very dear and true.
Both rich and
poor may share these treasures,
Dear, precious friends and flowers,
By deeds of
kindness, words of love,
And with the wonderful gifts from God above.
Below zero temperature,
ice, wind and snow,
That little
breezy month and then the crow.
Some more freezing
wind, rain and snow,
A little bit
of sunshine and robin joins crow.
Front Page